Friday, July 18, 2008

Marching to the Beat of Their Own Drum!

Tonight as I was baking Kathryn's birthday cakes (all we have heard about for over a week!!!) I glanced up and looked out the window. Here is what I saw parading around in my backyard, marching (literally) to the beat of their own drum:

I am soooo glad I had my camera nearby because it is not everyday that you get to see Minnie Mouse, Snow White and a Tutu-Wearin', Pink Hatted, Sword-Wielding Cowboy!


The Blaske Bunch said...

Whahooooo funny! I love that you are all "good with it all" Your kids march to a beat of an amazing family drum beat! Here is to tutu's swords, and pink hats!

juls4real said...

yes, you have lovely drummers. an absolutely incredible blog. love it.
