Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bun Busting Workouts and a Birthday

So here are a couple of video clips I took this week including the "Green Machine" that we got Lukas for his birthday. For those who are wondering I am no longer able to ride these things. This was a very difficult thing for me to realize today as I was very excited to relive one of my favorite childhood memories. At least I can still ride my Mark Gonzales Pro Model skateboard when I am down and feeling sad. Sorry about the lack of posts the last few weeks. We have been enjoying yet another Lohrer family move and have been quite busy in addition to being left without our Internet connection for a number of days. Enjoy the clips and we will get some pictures soon as well.


Dana Lohrer said...

Lots of fun! Byron says he can still ride the Green Machine. So when we come to visit your house might be the first stop so he can show his skills! Glad you all are settling in your new place! Thanks for sharing the videos! Love and miss you! The Lohrer's in Oklahoma!

Unknown said...

Hi, I've enjoyed reading your blog as we're just starting week two with our adorable four year old Ghanaian boy. Your account is hopefull that we can do this as well.

Would it be okay to contact you by email to ask a few questions/share experiences? I'm

The Blaske Bunch said...

Love love love our green machine...however the tire cracked and blew off after 3 yrs of Blaske Boy abuse....I can say that I did try to sit on it when we got it a few years back...but to my dismay....I could not make it go! (plus kids were all shouting..."get off mom, you will break it!" )
Thanks for sharing your videos....many
smiles from the Blaske Bunch to the Lohrer Family!